Analytical services are provided to the academic and commercial communities on a cost recovery basis.
How to submit samples for analysis
Contact us (Derek@proteincentre.com) to discuss project specifics. This includes; sample description and numbers, sample conditions, and desired outcomes.
We will send you a Statement of Work (SOW) for you to sign and return to us along with any other required documentation (Ethics approvals, etc.). The SOW will describe how we will analyze your samples as well as the cost.
When we receive a signed SOW, you can initiate the process of sending us your samples (details below). If your shipper has provided you with a tracking number, please let us know what it is as soon as possible. This can help with potential delays due to brokerage issues. Before you send your samples, please fill out and print a copy of the sample submission form and include it in the box with your samples.
To submit samples for analysis, please complete the Sample Submission Form and submit it with your samples. Please also read our Terms and Conditions for placing an order. For more information about how to ship your samples please see Shipping Information.
Please Note:
Please do not send samples until you have a signed SOW with the Proteomics Centre
Samples cannot be accepted without a submitted submission form and signed SOW
Please provide as much detail about the samples as possible, as delays may occur due to insufficient documentation
University of Victoria Proteomics Centre
Vancouver Island Technology Park
#3101-4464 Markham St
Victoria, BC Canada
V8Z 7X8​
Acknowledgement Policy
The UVic-Genome BC Proteomics Centre (PC) is generously supported through operations and technology development funding provided by Genome Canada and Genome British Columbia – as such clients and collaborators of the PC should acknowledge work performed at the PC in publications and public presentations of their research:
Clients shall acknowledge the work of the UVic-Genome BC Proteomics Centre in any peer-reviewed Client Publications related to the Project by incorporating the following sentence into the acknowledgements section of the article: “The authors wish to acknowledge the UVic-Genome BC Proteomics Centre, Victoria, Canada for [performing activity].”.
In addition, acknowledgements should appear in the text of peer-reviewed publications, for example in the materials and methods sections. A suggested sentence for inclusion is: “[Activity] was performed by UVic-Genome BC Proteomics Centre, Victoria, Canada”.
PC policy on co-authorship:
If data is generated through the PC on a cost-recovery basis, the PC does not require co-authorship on any publications
If significant intellectual contribution is provided on the experimental design, data interpretation or other contributions beyond what is agreed to in a Statement of Work, then collaborators should discuss pending publications with PC scientists to identify appropriate co-authorship as needed.
We would greatly appreciate notification of any publications that acknowledge work performed at the PC.